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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Moravia, Czech Republic

If the tourist commotion of the increasingly popular Prague and Bohemia proves too much, Moravia is just waiting to be discovered by those seeking a quieter, authentically Czech experience. Moravia is known for its robust reds wines, and recently for local late-ripening whites. The tasting experience here is laid-back – no Michelin-starred restaurants or high-end boutiques like you find in flashier wine regions of the world. Instead think harvest festivals, family-run wineries, and leisurely bike rides through rolling vineyards. Olomouc is one of the Czech Republic’s most underrated destinations, with a great nightlife scene, a mini-Prague feel and one of the country’s biggest beer festivals. Bustling Brno has a fantastic museums, including the Brno City Museum housed in the 13th century Špilberk Castle and the Mendel Museum devoted to the monk that established the basis for modern genetics. Telč, one of the countries prettiest towns, has a pristine UNESCO-listed Old Town square, ringed with Gothic arcades.

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